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Form Peptide Protocol

Form features a versatile blend of peptides designed to enhance athletic performance and recovery. Tesamorelin and Hexarelin stimulate natural growth hormone production, promoting both fat loss and muscle growth, while Pentadeca Arginate (PDA) upregulates growth hormone receptors and supports tissue repair. Meanwhile, SS-31 boosts energy production and mitochondrial health, ensuring your cells stay energized throughout the day for optimal performance and recovery.
$525 per month
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One month supply of peptides.
Administration: Inject 20 insulin units subcutaneously at bedtime Monday- Friday. Rest of the weekends.


  1. Growth hormone releasing hormone analogue that reduces visceral fat and supports muscle growth.
  2. May improve peripheral nerve injury in recent studies.
  3. May reduce triglyceride and total cholesterol levels, and prevent age-related cognitive decline.
  1. A synthetic analogue of ghrelin used to stimulate physiologic growth hormone production
  2. Promotes fat loss, tendon and ligament strength, and improved recovery
  3. Regulates calcium which serves as muscle protection
  4. Cardioprotective by decreasing malondialdehyde (marker of cardiac cell death)
  1. Mitochondrial tetrapeptide that can penetrate organelle membranes
  2. Promotes energy production in cells and diminishes accumulation of reactive oxygen species
  3. Protects kidney structure and accelerates the recovery of ATP production in renal cells
  4. Improves left ventricular function in the setting of heart failure
Pentadeca Arginate (PDA)
  1. Tissue Healing: May stimulate angiogenesis and collagen production, promoting effective tissue repair
  2. Reduces Inflammation: Possesses natural anti-inflammatory properties
  3. Gut Health: May help reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract
  4. Central Nervous System Benefits: May offer neuroprotective effects and influence pain perception through neurotransmitter activity, alongside supporting growth hormone receptors


Who is it best suited for?

The Form Peptide Protocol combines Tesamorelin with Hexarelin and SS-31. This therapy stimulates one’s natural growth hormone production, boosts the metabolism, and helps with recovery. It can be an effective adjunctive therapy to a sound nutrition and training program. This therapy is best suited for men and women interested in fat loss and body recomposition who are not achieving results with diet and exercise alone.

How is it administered?

This peptide therapy is administered via subcutaneous injection using a small insulin needle. The peptides are pre-drawn in syringes for patients at the prescribed dose. Inject 20 insulin units subcutaneously at bedtime Monday- Friday. Rest of the weekends.

Is it painful?

There is some pain associated with all injections. However, insulin needles are quite small, and with proper injection technique the pain is minimal. The best sites for injection include the fat in the abdomen and the buttocks.

How long until I start feeling the results?

Results derived from peptide therapy are variable from patient to patient and range from very subtle to profound depending on one’s individual needs and health status. In general, we expect patients to see some improvement in symptoms within 1 to 2 weeks though some patients report noticeable improvement after the first few injections.

Can there be allergic reactions?

In general, peptide therapy is very safe. However, allergic reactions are possible with any medication, and peptides are no exception. Though allergic reactions are very rare, symptoms can range from transient local site irritation to more severe symptoms including hives. We advise those with severe or frequent allergic reactions to discuss peptides therapy with their Allergist or primary care physician prior to seeking a consultation.

Can I use two peptide protocols simultaneously?

Yes, more than one peptide protocol may be used at the same time. Our team of medical providers will help determine which peptides are right for you and if it is appropriate to combine therapies.

Can I use peptides if I am pregnant or breast-feeding?

At this time, there is minimal data regarding the safety of peptides in pregnant and breast-feeding mothers. Therefore, we do not prescribe peptides to pregnant or breast-feeding persons.

What happens if I miss an injection?

If you miss an injection we recommend resuming the therapy the next day. Additional or make-up doses are not recommended.

Peptide Protocols

All Peptides

Weight Loss and Metabolic Health

Athletic Performance and Recovery

Sleep and Circadian Rhythm

Energy and Mitochondrial Health

Cognitive Function and Mood

Tissue Healing and Inflammation

Sexual Health and Vitality

GI Health

Immune System Support